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jenna w pet illustration.png

For my Pet Illustration I decided to recreate a picture of my dog, Roxy. I chose this specific picture because I thought it would be the easiest compared to the other pictures I have of her. I thought it wouldn't be difficult because there wasn't much detail in her face and body. However, after I finished the basic parts of her whole body it looked kind of flat because of the lack of detail in the original image. I wish I would have done more with the feet and made them look like less of just an outline. I like the contrast of the dark green background color I chose compared to the bright color of the fur. I also like the placement of the cone because it makes the head stand out, which I appreciate because I put most of the detailing on her face. Using Adobe Illustrator and the pen tool was pretty difficult for me because I didn't have any previous experience with it and I had a hard time getting all of the layers and shapes to look exactly like I wanted/how they looked in the original image. I think I did pretty well and I really like how the head and cone turned out,even though I am not a huge fan of the body.

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